Styleworking® in Business

March 2018: Styleworking® in Business is a charity event created by Susan Proctor to showcase the amazing work of women in the Canberra business community that she connects with and to introduce those women to other women in Susan's network. Proctor Legal, Susan's firm, are very grateful to the contributions made by the hosts for the event and for the kind support provided by Canberra Southern Cross Club, Clear Complexions, Stephanie's Boutique, Eat Your Words Catering and Flowers on the Foreshore. 

For this event the charity supported is Communities@Work. Communities@Work perform incredible work for the community in Canberra, and to have the chance to support them in turn was very special. We would particularly like to thank Chief Communications Officer Michelle Robertson, Director of Social Programs Ruth Zanker, Board member Ayesha Razzaq and Director of Lifestyle Services Jo Cochrane for supporting the event in person. We are delighted to share the following quote from Communities@Work about the event:

“Organiser of the event, Susan Proctor, from Proctor Legal, is a passionate advocate of Communities@Work. Susan spoke to attendees about the important work we do in the community, with a focus on our clothing program as a way to empower men and women.

We are very grateful for Susan’s support and we look forward to working with her and her team into the future.”

— Communities@Work


Proctor Legal Twilight Bowls